Do you have questions about The Nevada Registry – Who are we? Applying for membership? What are the benefits? If so, you have come to the right place!
We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding The Nevada Registry to help you gain a better understanding of the program. If you do not see an answer to your question below, please feel free to contact our office to learn more about why participation in the Registry is important to the ECE industry in Nevada.
What is The Nevada Registry?
The Nevada Registry is a no-cost program (for new and on-time renewals) that supports your commitment to your chosen profession in Early Childhood Education (ECE). The Nevada Registry offers Career Ladder placement, professional development planning, an online calendar of approved training, community resources/information, a statewide Job Board, and also acts as a statewide clearinghouse of information for industry-related news. The Nevada Registry is also responsible for the approval of all informal (not-for-college-credit) child care training in the state.
Who can be a member of The Nevada Registry?
Membership with The Nevada Registry is open to all Early Care and Education (ECE) professionals regardless of role or setting. This includes anyone working with children and families (both directly and indirectly) in a variety of settings (Center-Based, Family Child Care, Head Start, State-Funded Pre-K, Tribal Child Care, Out-of-School, etc.) and applies to professionals who are new to the field as much as to those who have served children and families for many years.
Do I have to apply to The Nevada Registry?
In April of 2009, participation with The Nevada Registry was adopted into State Child Care regulations R112-06 and R001-09. What this means is that if you work in a licensed child care setting of any type (center, Family/Group Home Care, etc.) and are counted in the staff/child ratios, you must apply (and annually renew) to The Nevada Registry.
Why is participation mandatory?
This is the first time in Nevada’s history that we will have a fully representative picture of the ECE workforce in our state. It is our hope and intention that The Nevada Registry’s data can be used to support and inform the decision-making process about the development of an improved Early Care and Education system in Nevada, including providing data to the Nevada State Legislature in support of increased funding for programs, all of which is possible only when participation with The Nevada Registry is mandatory.
How much does it cost to apply and/or renew with The Nevada Registry?
There is no cost to apply to The Nevada Registry for Career Ladder placement and/or to renew on time. However, a $25 fee is imposed for renewals received more than 30 days beyond the expiration date listed on your membership certificate in order to reinstate your account.
How do I apply?
Apply to The Nevada Registry by completing the Member Application. After your application is processed, you will access your membership certificate from within your Online Portal. Your certificate will include your level on the Career Ladder* based on your documented formal education and experience (up to 4,000 hours).
*Though considered active members of The Nevada Registry and in compliance with Child Care Licensing regulations for mandatory participation (if applicable), members with fewer than 1,000 hours of direct service experience at the time of application are considered “Pre-Level” and will not be issued a Career Ladder level on their certificate.
Is this a one-time requirement or do I need to renew each year?
Membership with The Nevada Registry is renewed on an annual basis prior to the date that your membership certificate expires. You will receive a series of email* reminders from The Nevada Registry to renew your membership online via your Online Portal prior to and when your certificate expires. For this reason, it is imperative that a current email address is always on file with the Registry. If your email address changes between renewal dates, please contact our office to update your account.
* The Nevada Registry uses an electronic renewal reminder notification process. To ensure that you receive important information, future renewal reminders, updates, etc. from The Nevada Registry, it is imperative that an accurate email address is on file at all times. Note: Occasionally, emails sent from The Nevada Registry are returned as undeliverable and/or considered spam. If you have an email address on file but you do not receive this reminder in the future, it is possible that your message has been returned or was blocked on your end. Please check your junk mail and/or spam folders. If you do not receive a renewal reminder notice 4-6 weeks prior to when your certificate expires, contact our office at (775) 327-0670 or (800) 259-1906 so we may help resolve the issue.
I was a member in the past, but my membership has been expired for a while. Which form should I submit to re-join?
When you initially applied to The Nevada Registry, a unique ID was assigned to your account. This number remains your personal ID indefinitely, regardless of how long your account has been inactive. To renew your membership with the Registry, you do not need to start over! Simply log into your Online Portal to complete an online Membership Update/Renewal Form. If your membership has been expired for more than 30 days, a reinstatement fee of $25 will be required in order to renew.
How does applying to the Registry benefit me?
The Nevada Registry helps you gain recognition for your work in ECE by documenting your professional and educational accomplishments. Placement on the Career Ladder helps you plan your training, education, and career development goals and track your progress towards meeting those goals. A Career Development File will be created on your behalf to warehouse copies of all the training certificates and educational documentation you submit, should you ever need to replace lost or damaged paperwork. Participating also helps you become a part of an early childhood network, gain access to scholarship programs and initiatives such as T.E.A.C.H Early Childhood Nevada, and makes you eligible for Registry-sponsored giveaways and promotions.
How long will it take to process my application and how will Licensing know that I have applied?
The turnaround time for complete applications is approximately 1-2 weeks; however, you will receive an email confirmation when you submit your complete application that will serve as verification to Child Care Licensing that you are in compliance with the regulation to apply. It is suggested that you provide a copy of your email to your Director/Administrator to place in your personnel file. The processing time will be delayed for incomplete applications.
Note: You are not considered to be in compliance with child care licensing regulations for mandatory participation until you have submitted a complete application.
Why does The Nevada Registry need so much information?
The information requested on the application is necessary to build your Career Development File and ensures that your unique professional and educational background in ECE is accurately reflected. It also helps to provide a snapshot of the ECE workforce in Nevada; something that has never been possible before now.
How will my personal information be used?
A unique Registry ID number is assigned to each member’s file upon initial receipt of a Membership Application to ensure that the correct information is entered into the correct file and to protect the identity of our members. Security questions, including your date of birth, are used to verify your identity should you ever lose your Registry ID number and/or need to contact our office to obtain any information contained within your file.
We frequently receive calls from members asking for information in their file (i.e., Registry ID #, copies of lost certificates, etc.). Before this information can be released, a Nevada Registry staff member must ask a series of security questions to verify that the person on the phone is the person to whom the information belongs. Only when an individual’s identity has been confirmed, can we proceed with the request.
How is the information that The Nevada Registry collects used?
The Nevada Registry helps the state collect valuable data about the ECE workforce in Nevada, which is an important step in growing ECE as a profession. None of the information collected through the application process and the training approval system is ever disclosed with any identifying information attached. Any data provided to the community is combined in order to report on large groups of people, rather than on any individual member. This and ALL other information contained in each member’s Career Development File is confidential.
Is The Nevada Registry the same as Child Care Licensing?
While The Nevada Registry works very closely with Child Care Licensing, they are two very separate and distinct programs. The Nevada Registry’s focus is on individual professional development and providing resources to the ECE community. In contrast, Child Care Licensing is a regulatory agency responsible for licensing facilities and monitoring for regulation compliance. Commonly, there is confusion as it relates to the training approval system. While The Nevada Registry is responsible for reviewing and approving all informal training for the state, licensing is responsible for verifying that annual training requirements outlined in the regulations are met. In this case, The Nevada Registry provides the resources to the ECE community in the form of the training calendar, whereas Licensing’s role is regulatory in nature.
How will the fees collected for late renewals, Career Ladder re-evaluations and replacement certificates be used?
All fees collected will be passed along to the membership in the form of leadership/professional development activities and resources, program development, classroom materials, scholarships, new membership benefits, etc.