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The State-Funded FREE Telehealth Benefits Program Ends on January 31, 2025

New self-pay insurance options are now available for a February 1, 2025 effective date. If you have questions about your existing free benefits or the upcoming self-pay enrollment process, please contact Brandon DiCesare with Optima Benefits & Payroll at or at 866-839-0511.

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Reviewed/Updated October 2024

All work history provided by applicants through the application/renewal process is self-reported data. Neither current employment nor previous experience is verified by Registry staff.

Accepted Work Experience for Career Ladder Placement

The Nevada Registry records all licensed (Center-Based, Family Child Care/Group Home) and legally exempt (School District, Charter School, Out of School Time, Tribal, Registered Family/Friend/Neighbor, Kith & Kin, Military) employment related to working directly with young children for Career Ladder placement. Applicants may include unpaid college level student internships and practicum* hours as well as experience in high school ECE lab school settings as part of their work history. Babysitting, work as a nanny, au pair and/or volunteer service are not accepted or recorded as previous work experience.

*Hours obtained during a practicum course are granted only when an individual includes practicum on their application in the ‘Previous ECE Experience’ section of the application form(s) along with a statement from the professor verifying the number of practicum hours completed. Hours will not be automatically granted when seeing a practicum course listed on college transcripts (credits will be granted but not hours).

Direct Service Hours/Positions

All positions in The Nevada Registry database have been coded as either “Direct” or “Indirect”. For experience to count toward Career Ladder placement, it must have occurred in a direct service position. The database automatically calculates work experience hours based on the employment records entered. The database also calculates ongoing work experience until an end date has been entered on the current employment record. Up to 4,000 hours of direct experience are factored into Career Ladder placement.

Members must have a minimum of 1,000 hours of direct ECE work experience to place on the Career Ladder (if they do not meet the requirements for a degreed level). Members with less than the required hours will be issued a Certificate of Participation but will not be granted a Career Ladder level (if they do not meet the requirements for a degreed level). Individuals in this status are considered active members of The Nevada Registry and are compliant with Child Care Licensing requirements for mandatory participation (if applicable) even though a level has not been assigned. If upon annual renewal to The Nevada Registry, the individual has accrued 1,000+ hours of direct service, they will be assigned a Career Ladder level supported by the verified documentation contained within their account.

Indirect Service Hours/Positions

Indirect experience (i.e., trainer, CCR&R, higher education faculty, etc.) is recorded but does not factor into the total number of direct service hours used in the calculation of Career Ladder levels.

Current Employment

Members select their current place of employment by choosing a program name from a dropdown list. If their program is not found, they have the option to submit a new program for review by Registry staff. Registry staff either create a new program record (if not found in the database but has been verified as licensed) or select the program that matches the information provided by the member. Though applicants do not have to be currently employed or have past work history to be a member, all members must have an active employment record linked to their account, even if that record is “Currently Not Working”, “Currently Not Working in ECE”, or “Current Employer Unknown”. If a member has more than one place of employment in Early Childhood, each position will be recorded separately.

Previous Experience

All previous direct* experience in ECE, regardless of whether it occurred in or out of state, is entered into a member’s account and factors into the total number of direct service hours used in the calculation of Career Ladder levels.

*Direct experience includes all licensed (Center Based, Family Child Care/Group Homes) and legally exempt (School District, Charter School, After School Programs, Tribal, Family/Friend/Neighbor, Kith & Kin, Military Care) employment related to working directly with young children between the ages of 0- 8. Babysitting, work as a nanny, au pair and/or volunteer service are not accepted or recorded as previous work experience.

Total Years of Experience/Longevity

All experience, direct and indirect, is factored into a member’s total self-reported years of experience reflected on their membership certificate along with their Career Ladder level. Certificates show completed years of experience only. For instance, if at the time of application an individual has three years and two months of experience in the field, their certificate will show three years of self-reported experience.

Employment Changes

Members may update their employment information at any time electronically through their Online Portal. Employment end dates provided by facility directors via the Employee List feature of the Online Portal are also accepted. If a member no longer works at their listed facility and their employment has been modified by the director, the member will receive a continuing series of emails prompting them to update their current employment.