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Reviewed/Updated October 2024

Applications must be complete upon submission to be processed. Staff conduct an initial review upon receipt and determine whether the application is complete.

Minimum Information Required for Initial Enrollment

The Personal and Employment Information sections of the online application are required. However, there are several questions within each required section that are not required if the information is not applicable (e.g., ‘Previous Last Name’, ‘Current Employer’ (if unemployed or full-time student) and ‘Previous ECE Work Experience’). Additionally, though members are required to complete the Workforce Demographics section, they have the option to skip any of the questions they prefer not to answer. The section is considered complete if a selection is made, even if that selection is to skip the question. All Membership Applications must include the member’s digital acceptance of the Member Agreement.

The following information is requested in the Personal and Employment Information sections of the online application. All but two fields (Previous Name and Previous ECE Experience) are required and must be provided for a Membership Application to be considered complete.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Previous Name (optional)
  • Date of Birth
  • Mailing Address, City, State and Zip Code
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Current Place of Employment
  • Position Type (direct or indirect)
  • Position Title
  • Start Date
  • Hours Worked Per Week
  • Months Per Year
  • Hourly Income
  • Last Wage Increase
  • Age Group
  • Previous ECE Experience (optional)
  • Digital acceptance of Member Agreement

The documentation required to complete the application process is broken down into two types: Minimum and Supplemental. Submitting the minimum documentation places an individual on the Career Ladder at Pre-Level or Level 1.1. Providing additional supplemental documentation could result in a Career Ladder Level of 1.2 or higher and may help create a more accurate reflection of an individual’s educational and professional history.

Minimum Documentation for Career Ladder Placement at Pre-Level or Level 1.1

In addition to the required application fields, applicants must upload, within their portal, documentation to support their Membership Application. If an individual works in a licensed childcare program, the minimum documentation required to place on the Career Ladder is the initial training required by Child Care Licensing. At a minimum, an application must include certificates of completion for the following topics*:

  • Infant/Child/Pediatric CPR and First Aid (Card/certificates must be issued by one of the following authorized agencies: American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Medic First Aid, International, EMS Safety Services, American Safety and Health Institute or HSI. Certification must be valid/current at the time of application.)
  • Signs and Symptoms of Illness/Communicable Disease with Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Recognition and Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect (must include Nevada-specific content)
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (if working with infants) **
  • Child Development (Three hours required.)
  • Lifelong Wellness (Obesity/Nutrition/Physical Activity) (Two hours required.)
  • CCDBG Health & Safety Training Certificates (Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma [if working with infants] **, Building and Physical Premises Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning, Medication Administration/Food Allergies and Transportation and Field Trip Safety [if designated driver] **)

*The minimum documentation required to complete the Membership Application for individuals working in programs exempt from Child Care Licensing (e.g., School District or Charter School Program, Tribal Child Care, School-Age Program, etc.), is different than what is required for educators working in licensed childcare programs. 

**If an applicant does not indicate their place of employment at the time of application, they are required to submit certificates for these topics regardless of whether they work with infants and/or provide transportation.

Supplemental Documentation for Career Ladder Placement at Level 1.2 or Higher

Supplemental documentation may be submitted in addition to the minimum requirements outlined above*:

  • High School Diploma/GED
  • Child Development Associate (CDA) (Must be official certificate; temporary certificates not accepted)
  • College transcripts showing the completion of eight or more Early Childhood college credits, completion of a degree in Early Childhood, or completion of a degree in another field of study, with 30 or more credits in Early Childhood and/or a state teaching license containing an ECE endorsement.
  • Montessori Diploma
  • Apprenticeship Certificate
  • Additional training certificates (beyond the minimum documentation requirements)

*Individuals possessing a CDA (with 2,000 hours of direct experience) and/or formal education in ECE are not required to submit documentation verifying completion of the initial training requirements of Child Care Licensing to place on the Career Ladder, even if they work in a licensed childcare facility. However, they are encouraged to submit certificates for any or all initial training completed (if applicable) to make their account more complete.

Minimum Information Required for Renewal

The Personal and Employment Information sections of the online renewal form are required. The member is required to confirm whether the information on file is still valid or provide an update if information has changed since their last update. Additionally, though members are required to complete the Workforce Demographics section, they have the option to skip any of the questions. The section is considered complete if a selection is made, even if that selection is to skip the question. Members are encouraged to submit any newly acquired training certificates of completion, college transcripts showing completion of additional ECE courses/completion of a degree, with their renewal, but supporting documentation is not required. All Renewal Forms must include the member’s digital acceptance of the Member Agreement.

Process for Requesting Additional Information for Incomplete Applications

If any of the necessary supporting documents are not provided, the application is considered incomplete. An email indicating the missing information is sent to the applicant with a request to submit the missing items within a specified number of days (based on their employment start date). The applicant will remain in ‘Incomplete’ status until they submit the missing documentation. The applicant receives two email reminders to complete their application prior to their unique application deadline. If the requested items are not received by the individual’s deadline, the applicant receives final notice that their application has been securely deleted from the system and that they will need to re-initiate the application process. Previously uploaded supporting documentation is retained electronically in the database to support the application upon re-submission, if applicable.