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Reviewed/Updated October 2024

Statewide Recognition/Workforce Data System

The recognition system tracks, establishes, and formally recognizes each member’s unique professional and educational accomplishments in ECE and years of experience working with young children (up to 4000 hours) through placement on the Nevada Early Care and Education Professional Career Ladder. The data collected through the application process is used to support and inform the decision-making process about the development of an improved Early Care and Education system in Nevada and may be provided to local, state, and national collaborators.

Nevada Early Care and Education Professional Career Ladder/Career Ladder Placement

The Career Ladder is the cornerstone of the Registry’s recognition system. Consisting of seven levels representing various combinations of formal education, training, and direct experience (up to 4000 hours); it is specific to the field of ECE. The entry levels of the ladder are somewhat informal and become increasingly more formal with a greater emphasis on formal education and training in ECE as an individual advances along the continuum.

Certificate of Participation (Pre-Level)

Individuals placed at this level have applied for Career Ladder placement and are active members of The Nevada Registry but have not yet accumulated the 1000 hours of direct experience in the field of ECE necessary to place at a level.

Level 1

  • Level 1.1: Initial licensing training requirements and a minimum of 1000 hours of direct experience
  • Level 1.2: All of 1.1 plus a high school diploma/GED
  • Level 1.3: All of 1.2 and one ECE college credit or 15 hours of approved training

Level 2

  • Level 2.1: Current CDA or eight ECE college credits and 2000 hours of direct experience, or high school diploma/GED, 120 hours of approved training, and 2000 hours of direct experience
  • Level 2.2: 12 ECE college credits and 3000 hours of direct experience

Level 3

  • Level 3.1: Apprenticeship Certificate or 20 ECE college credits and 4000 hours of direct experience
  • Level 3.2: 1-year ECE certificate or 30 college credits with 24 in ECE and 4000 hours of direct experience

Level 4

  • Level 4.1: Associate degree in ECE or Associate degree in another field with 30 or more ECE college credits
  • Level 4.2: All of 4.1 and 4000 hours of direct experience

Level 5

  • Level 5.1: Bachelor’s degree in ECE or Bachelor’s degree in another field with a state teaching license containing an ECE endorsement or Bachelor’s degree in another field with 30 or more ECE college credits
  • Level 5.2: All of 5.1 and 4000 hours of direct experience

Level 6

  • Level 6.1: Master’s degree in ECE or Master’s degree in another field with a state teaching license containing an ECE endorsement or Master’s degree in another field with 30 or more ECE college credits
  • Level 6.2: All of 6.1 and 4000 hours of direct experience

Level 7

  • Level 7.1: Doctorate in ECE or Doctorate in another field with a state teaching license containing an ECE endorsement or Doctorate in another field with 30 or more ECE college credits
  • Level 7.2: All of 7.1 and 4000 hours of direct experience

Core Knowledge Areas and Competencies

Core Knowledge Areas (CKA) are a set of content areas that define what caregivers should know and understand to provide quality experiences for children. Core Competencies are a set of observable skills that reflect a caregiver’s knowledge and understanding of the CKA. The competencies identify skills at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels of professionalism related to providing quality Early Care and Education and help to standardize the expectations for ECE professionals. Competencies are based on nationally accepted standards and best practice in the field of ECE and are embedded within The Nevada Registry’s Professional Development Plan (PDP).

Professional Development Plan

The Professional Development Plan (PDP) is a guide designed to help individuals reflect upon their own practice as Early Childhood professionals. Available in electronic format, the PDP helps increase practitioner’s knowledge, skills, and expertise for working with children and their families over time by helping them determine their areas of interest and strength, as well as areas where further growth and development may be needed. PDPs help individuals plan for future professional development and help them assess their own progress and professional growth. Access to the PDP is granted to all active Registry members and included within the Silver State Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) as a quality indicator.

Statewide Training Approval System (TAS)

On October 1, 2004, The Nevada Registry was designated the agency responsible for approving all informal (non- credit bearing) child care training for the State of Nevada. As a result, all requests for child care training hours must be reviewed and approved by The Nevada Registry, regardless of which licensing jurisdiction would have previously been responsible. The purpose in creating a single approval entity was to promote quality training opportunities statewide and to increase the level of consistency within the approval process across the state. Previously, all informal, non- college training was approved through one of five different licensing entities. With the establishment of the statewide TAS, all trainers and corresponding informal training events are subject to the same approval criteria and are processed through the same approval process within The Nevada Registry. Because of our partnership with statewide Licensing agencies, The Nevada Registry has streamlined the process of approval and become the central clearinghouse for trainer approval, training approval, tracking of approved training, and making training information available to the Early Care and Education workforce on a statewide basis via the online Training Calendar. Trainer approval criteria was implemented in January 2017 to further increase the quality and consistency within the delivery of professional development and training. The Training Approval System (TAS) Advisory Workgroup was created in 2017 to help guide the ongoing development of the trainer criteria, approval, and qualification process.

Statewide Training Calendar

The online Training Calendar helps Early Childhood educators locate Registry-approved training (in-person, virtually and online) to meet their professional development needs, including the annual training requirements of Child Care Licensing. Visitors can perform a broad search for training in their area by clicking on a county in the state map or a more narrowed search by entering specific criteria using the various dropdown lists available (Training Format, County, Cost, Initial Training Requirements, Core Knowledge Area, Online/Distance Learning or Approved Trainer Name). The Training Calendar is updated on a continuous basis as new events are submitted and approved.

Training Attendance Tracking and Data Collection

The attendance tracking feature allows completed Registry-approved training to be added to the membership accounts of active Registry members within approximately one week of attending an in-person or virtual training session. Commonly referred to as “real time” data tracking, this is a significant benefit to professionals working in Early Childhood programs who have an up-to-date record of their completed professional development. Data sharing partnerships with online training organizations also allow for the collection and import of completed course data for active Registry members.

Online Portal

The Online Portal is a web-based feature of The Nevada Registry website for members and trainers. It allows approved trainers to submit their training approval requests and grants active Registry members access to information contained within their membership accounts. Within the portal, trainers are able to manage their trainer account, which includes the ability to submit training for approval, duplicate previously offered training for approval, view training sessions pending Registry approval, view/download/print a transcript of all Registry- approved training sessions delivered, submit training attendance records, upload continuing education certificates, and annually renew their trainer approval status. Members are able to manage their membership account, which includes the ability to initially apply for membership, renew their membership on an annual basis, view/print a copy of their current membership certificate, view/update their contact information, view/update their current employment, view their educational documentation on file and view/download and print a transcript of all Registry-approved training on file.

Statewide Job Board

The Job Board allows employers to advertise available positions (free of charge) and job seekers to find open positions in early childhood-related programs on a statewide basis.

Comprehensive Website and Industry-Related NEWS Page

In addition to housing the Training Calendar and Job Board, The Nevada Registry’s website includes everything ECE educators need to support their careers in Early Childhood. The website is a one-stop-shop that includes general ECE-related resources, information about Child Care Licensing and links to key local and national professional development resources and agencies. Also included is an informative industry-related NEWS page designed to keep the workforce informed and engaged with their profession and includes topics ranging from specific Registry-related information to news happening at the national level impacting Early Childhood.

Employee List

The Employee List is a web-based feature of the Online Portal granting Child Care facility Directors and other designated staff administrative rights to access a list of Registry members associated with their program. Through the Employee List, designated staff are able to view and manage their Employee List, remove individuals no longer working there and request access to the online Membership Application for new employees not yet registered with The Nevada Registry. This feature streamlines the process of verification and compliance with QRIS and Child Care Licensing for mandatory participation.

Workforce Data Collection

In April of 2009, participation with The Nevada Registry was adopted into State Child Care Licensing regulations R112-06 and R001-09 for all early childhood educators working in licensed child care settings. Mandatory participation was fully phased-in as of December 31, 2012, positioning The Nevada Registry to collect and provide a vast amount of essential, and previously unavailable, data on the early childhood workforce in Nevada. This information can be used to inform the work of stakeholders and policy makers in the future, as well as helping to direct decisions regarding future funding and program development.

Program Reports and Statistics

In addition to statistics published to the website, The Nevada Registry periodically publishes membership and training approval system reports providing a snapshot of Registry members and approved trainers at various points in time. These reports highlight the composition and characteristics of Nevada’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) workforce and allow for comparison of how the membership population changes or stays the same as more of the workforce becomes active in the program, as new quality initiatives and mandates are put into place, and as we as an industry are impacted by a changing economic climate. The information provided in each report is used to help guide the development of future Registry programs and services.