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We are happy to announce the launch of the newest membership benefit of The Nevada Registry – an interactive discussion forum designed to help you engage and collaborate with one another.

You spoke. We listened.
The TAS Advisory Workgroup published a set of surveys in January 2019 designed to gain input from directors/administrators of early childhood programs and approved trainers about the components of high-quality professional development/training and training evaluation.  The information collected from those surveys has been considered as part of the ongoing development of the Quality Assurance System (QAS) component within The Nevada Registry’s training approval system.

One of the common themes emerging from the feedback from both directors and approved trainers, was the desire for a central place to connect with one another to provide support, collaborate, share resources and have rich and thoughtful discussions about their work in early childhood. Hearing the need, The Nevada Registry, with input and support from the TAS Advisory Workgroup, has created a space for these conversations to occur and will be hosting an ongoing discussion forum via a workspace called “Slack”. Though most commonly used by businesses to create collaboration within their teams and projects, this platform was determined to be a good solution for our intended purposes.

The Slack discussion forum is designed to be a positive and interactive digital space that facilitates dialogue and fosters a collaborative community spirit within specific groups. It will be hosted and moderated by The Nevada Registry (as the subscribers), but ideally facilitated by registered participants. The Nevada Registry will manage the logistics. How useful and effective it is at helping you connect with your colleagues will be completely dependent on you.

How it Works
Within the Slack platform, different “channels” are created for specific groups of people. Each channel is locked and only accessible to the individuals who have been invited to join that specific channel (private channels are marked with a “lock” symbol). As of launch, two channels are currently available for this purpose; one for directors and another for approved trainers. Additional channels will be created as the need and/or interest arises.

About Channels

  • A channel is simply a single place for messaging, tools and files that allow specific groups of people to collaborate.
  • You can be a member of multiple channels.
  • There is one open channel (#generaleceforum) that exists by default. This channel is open to anyone on The Nevada Registry Slack workspace regardless of which private channel you are assigned to.
  • Membership to any channel within The Nevada Registry Slack workspace is by invitation only.

For a more comprehensive overview of how Slack works, click on this link.

There are also several useful tutorial videos available on how to use Slack.

How to Use Slack

Slack Workshop 101

To Join
If you are interested in joining one of the available channels, please email Timothy  directly to request an invitation. Please indicate the channel(s) you are interested in joining. Registry membership status, position title and trainer approval status will be verified before an invitation to join will be sent.

Guidelines for Participation

We hope you will take a moment to join The Nevada Registry Slack workspace and find it to be another great tool to support your work with young children as you begin to use it to connect with your colleagues.