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A trainer qualification and approval criteria process has been developed as part of a new and improved training approval system that rolled out in January 2017. From that point forward, all individuals wishing to conduct Registry-approved training to the Early Childhood (ECE) community in Nevada are subject to the new requirements and are required to apply to qualify as an approved trainer, regardless of whether they were previously registered as a trainer with The Nevada Registry in the past.

Change brings about new opportunities, along with many questions. This Q&A page has been created to answer some of the most frequently asked questions posed by previously-registered trainers throughout the trainer criteria development process.  Additional questions and answers will be added to this page as they arise.

For your reference:
Trainer Qualification and Approval Criteria – Early Childhood Trainer
Trainer Qualification and Approval Criteria – Topic Trainer

This page has been broken down into three sections to help you easily find the answers to the questions you may have regarding the Trainer Qualification and Approval Criteria.

Section 1: General Trainer Criteria/Approval Questions

When did the new requirements go into effect?

The new trainer qualification and approval criteria requirements went into effect on January 9, 2017.

What does the application process entail and when should trainers apply?

All individuals seeking to qualify as an approved trainer are required to complete a trainer qualification application and be approved as a trainer prior to submitting any training for approval through an online application process. Trainer applications are accepted year-round.

Where does a person with specific content knowledge in a Core Knowledge Area (CKA) fit? Is there a way to qualify as a Topic Trainer in one CKA?

Individuals are not approved to train in specific Core Knowledge Areas (CKA). Rather, Early Childhood Trainers qualify to provide training in any of the 8 CKA, not limited to specific topics. Topic Trainers qualify in specific topics based on their certifications and are limited to train in those topics only, regardless of CKA.

Trainers are required to present documented evidence of at least 15 hours of previous experience delivering training to adult learners. What previous experience counts?

Any previous Registry-approved training delivered individually, for an organization or as a co-trainer is accepted to satisfy this requirement, when the individual’s name is officially listed in the approved training record within the Registry system. Training that was provided without Registry approval will not be accepted, unless the training was provided by an individual who works for an agency not subject to Child Care Licensing or the approval policies of the Registry’s training approval system (i.e., WCSD Parent University).  The process for documenting the delivery of this type of training is included within the application process.

What qualifies as documented evidence of at least 15 hours of previous experience delivering training to adult learners? Does Registry-approved training delivered in partnership with other registered trainers in the past qualify?

Documented Registry-approved training delivered in the past will be used to verify whether an individual meets this requirement, regardless of whether that training was provided by an individual or in partnership with other registered trainers. Individuals who do not possess the required number of hours necessary to meet the requirement within their own trainer account will be asked to provide the name/organization for which they provided training with (if applicable) and/or be encouraged to meet the requirement in one of the alternative ways listed on the Training Qualification and Approval Criteria documents.

How will I know if I have met the requirement to complete 15 hour of continuing education?

Trainers are required to complete 15 hours of continuing education annually in order to be eligible to renew their approved trainer status for the next 12-month qualification period. The specific requirements for the type of training that is required and/or accepted to meet this requirement is outlined in the TRAINER RENEWAL: Annual Requirements for the Delivery of Training and Completion of Continuing Education document of The Nevada Registry. Trainers can check their progress toward meeting the criteria by reviewing the ‘Trainer Eligibility Renewal Status’ tab within their portal.

Why are approved trainers required to renew annually? It seems unnecessary since the Registry will know whether a trainer has delivered the required number of workshops.

In addition to verifying the required number of training sessions delivered (on file with the Registry), the Registry also verifies that the required number of continuing education hours have been met and that a current Trainer Agreement has been signed.

Does an individual’s trainer approval status expire at the same time as their membership with The Nevada Registry? How will approved trainers know when to renew?

The qualification process to become an approved trainer is separate from the membership application and renewal process for members. While Registry memberships coincide with an individual’s application/renewal processing date and can expire during any month in a given year, approved trainers are required to renew on an annual basis, in conjunction with their unique qualification period expiration date that is one year from the date of their trainer approval/renewal. For instance, an individual’s membership with the Registry may expire in June, but their trainer approval status expires in January, regardless of the expiration date listed on their membership Certificate of Achievement.

Each trainer is assigned a type and a category. What is the difference?

Before a trainer type is assigned, an individual’s trainer category is determined based on their training delivery intent, the frequency that training will be delivered, whether they are being sponsored by a center/organization and whether they represent a national organization recognized by The National Workforce Registry Alliance or other recognized organization included in the Professional Development Acceptance Guidelines document of The Nevada Registry. An individual’s type determines the content they can provide, whereas an individual’s trainer category determines their initial application/renewal requirements, regardless of their assigned trainer type. Seven trainer categories have been defined and are outlined in the ECE and Topic Trainer criteria documents.

Section 2: ECE Trainer-Related Questions

Does a person who qualifies as an Early Childhood trainer have restrictions on what topic they can teach? For example, can ECE Trainers who have completed the Train the Trainer courses for Child Abuse and Neglect (CA/N) and Sudden Infant Syndrome (SIDS) still deliver those training sessions?

Early Childhood Trainers are not limited by training topic and are approved to provide training in any of the 8 Core Knowledge Areas (CKA), including CA/N and SIDS if they have completed the Train the Trainer courses. The only restriction to the topics that ECE Trainers can provide is with regard to medically-related topics that require specific certification and/or expertise as prescribed by State Child Care Licensing requirements (i.e., CPR, Signs and Symptoms of Illness, etc.).

Do the initial requirements to qualify as an approved Early Childhood Trainer differ based on Career Ladder level?

All individuals are subject to the same requirements to initially qualify as an approved Early Childhood Trainer, regardless of Career Ladder level. In other words, all individuals must meet or exceed the minimum qualification criteria for education (associate degree or higher), possess 4,000+ hours of direct experience working with young children, and present at least 15 hours of previous experience providing training to adult learners.

Early Childhood Trainers are required to possess 4000+ hours of direct experience in order to qualify. How is “direct experience” defined?

Direct experience is defined as experience working directly with children in a child care setting and includes all of the direct service positions listed on The Nevada Registry Membership Application (Director, Assistant Director, Teacher, Assistant Teacher, Floater/Substitute/Breaker, NDE Licensed ECE and ECE Special Education Teacher, Before/After School Teacher, Licensed Family Child Care/Group Home Provider, etc.).

Section 3: Topic Trainer-Related Questions

What topics can Topic Trainers deliver training on?

The Nevada Registry has not created a prescribed list of topics for which a Topic Trainer can apply to qualify. Instead, the topics that an individual qualifying as a Topic Trainer will be approved to deliver training in is determined by and based on, the documentation that is collected through the application process. For example, if an individual submits a copy of their nursing license, they would be approved to train on specific health-related topics. If a person submits a copy of their Bloodborne Pathogens instructor certification card, they would be approved to provide training in Bloodborne Pathogens. If this was the only certification provided at the time of application, that would be the only topic they would be able to deliver Registry-approved training on, as a Topic Trainer.

Topic Trainers are required to possess a current, official and verifiable license, certification or degree from outside the field of Early Childhood specific to their area(s) of specialization. What qualifies as a certification and what form of documentation is required?

Certification is defined as a formal procedure by which an accredited or authorized person or agency assesses and verifies (and attests in writing by issuing a certificate) the attributes, characteristics, qualification, etc. of an individual in accordance with established requirements or standards. Certification in a given area of study means that the individual has undergone examination by some form of governing body or professional association that is willing to ensure a candidate’s competence in the given field of knowledge. In most cases, a certificate is issued for a set duration of time, at which time the candidate must recertify with the same governing body. For the purposes of trainer approval, in order to be considered a “certification”, the following criteria must be met:

  • Must be verifiable through the issuing entity;
  • Must be current at the time of application;
  • Must have included a demonstration of knowledge and skill;
  • Must include some level of continuing education requirements in order to recertify;
  • Must be issued for a specific duration of certification; recertification is required

Train the Trainer certificates previously issued for Child Abuse and Neglect and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome do not meet the definition of certification and therefore will not be accepted to meet these criteria for Topic Trainers.

Many Topic Trainers are already required to complete continuing education units (CEUs) in order to maintain their license/certification. Can that training be accepted to meet the 15 hours of continuing education necessary to requalify/renew as an approved trainer?

The hours required to maintain professional licensure can be used to satisfy the continuing education requirement when aligned with approved topics. The specific requirements for the type of training that is required and/or accepted to meet the continuing education requirements for trainer requalification/renewal is outlined in the TRAINER RENEWAL: Annual Requirements for the Delivery of Training and Completion of Continuing Education document of The Nevada Registry.