The Nevada Registry’s Training Approval System (TAS) Advisory Workgroup was formed in 2017 to help guide the ongoing development of The Nevada Registry’s implemented trainer criteria, approval and qualification process. The TAS Advisory Workgroup was dissolved in November 2022 and now functions as an Ad Hoc Committee as needed.
Original Scope of Work:
- Assist in the development of alternative processes for obtaining experience delivering training to adults;
- Further review and refine the re-qualification/renewal criteria;
- Assist with the development of a training program for new trainers and mentoring program for existing trainers;
- Explore other components of the new and improved training approval system related to quality assurance (i.e., evaluation, observations);
- Create an evaluation process for approved trainers to evaluate the Training Approval System annually; and
- Provide overall support to The Nevada Registry in the community related to trainer criteria.
The TAS Advisory Workgroup began its work in August 2017 and was originally slated to conclude in December 2019 in conjunction with the full phase-in of trainer criteria but was extended through 2022. A total of twenty-six meetings of the workgroup were held during this time. Updates regarding the progress of the workgroup and final decisions that came forth because of this work were posted to the For Trainers page of The Nevada Registry website as well as to the NEWS page.
Workgroup Composition
The TAS Advisory Workgroup was comprised of members representing The Nevada Registry (staff), The Nevada Registry Advisory Committee, the Registry Advisory Committee Trainer Criteria Workgroup and specific sectors of the trainer community and Early Childhood workforce in Nevada. Original appointed members of the workgroup were all approved as trainers in 2017 under the new trainer qualification and approval criteria and were selected through an application process.
Former Workgroup Members
Employer: The Nevada Registry
Member Category: NevAEYC, TEACH Early Childhood Nevada
Employer: NevAEYC
Member Category: Center Director – URBAN/Las Vegas, Nevada Registry Advisory Committee Member
Employer: La Petite Academy
Member Category: Support Service Provider
Employer: United Way of Southern Nevada
Workgroup Accomplishments
Each year, the TAS Advisory Workgroup identified specific priorities to serve as the basis for their work. Priorities were aligned with the overarching scope of work and the established trainer approval and renewal processes. Five significant accomplishments are listed below. A complete list of workgroup priorities and progress can be reviewed here.
(Data as of December 2024)
- The Adult Learning Academy was created as a pathway to trainer approval for individuals without prior experience delivering training to adult learners. Five Academies have been held to date producing 99 total graduates. ALA graduates have delivered 2,320 Registry-approved training sessions equating to over 5,100 hours of training delivered to ECE educators statewide.
- Successfully created processes for the approval of virtual training delivery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including delivery guidelines and training resources. The approval of virtual training has enabled the delivery of over 3,400 Registry-approved virtual training sessions and continues to increase accessibility and availability of professional development and reduce inequities related to geographical barriers by creating greater statewide access.
- Created an electronic training tracking attendance feature allowing Registry-approved training sessions to be added to the membership accounts of active Registry members within five calendar days of attending an in-person or virtual training session. Nearly 8,700 attendance records have been submitted electronically for 125,221 attendees to date.
- Established data-sharing partnerships with 22 approved online training organizations to allow online coursework completion data to be added to the accounts of active members (once verified) within one week of completion rather than annually when renewing their membership with The Nevada Registry; making the ‘Training Transcript’ available to all active Registry members a more accurate and up to date record of their completed training. As a result of these partnerships, nearly 159,000 Registry-approved courses have been imported into the accounts of active Registry members. This, along with the training tracking attendance feature mentioned above streamline training verification and are important components in helping to support Registry members and Child Care Licensing teams with real-time data related to training and professional development.
- Developed a mobile app for approved trainers to further streamline the attendance tracking and verification process related to training delivery.
Unfinished work related to best practice standards and expectations for the delivery of high-quality, Registry-approved training and the creation of a standardized/universal evaluation tool will be completed by an Ad Hoc Committee of the former TAS Advisory Workgroup.