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The State-Funded FREE Telehealth Benefits Program Ends on January 31, 2025

New self-pay insurance options are now available for a February 1, 2025 effective date. If you have questions about your existing free benefits or the upcoming self-pay enrollment process, please contact Brandon DiCesare with Optima Benefits & Payroll at or at 866-839-0511.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has created new opportunities for all of us to think about our work in new and innovative ways. With social distancing requirements in place, the interest in (and need for) delivering training safely via virtual training platforms has exploded. Many of us have jumped on the “virtual training bandwagon” for the first time ever, with very little experience or knowledge about how to deliver it in engaging and meaningful ways.

There are many resources available on the internet to help you think about your approach to delivering virtual training. We have compiled a short, but not complete, list of a few of the res0urce articles we came across when conducting our own research. Many of the best practices you will find in the following articles have formed the foundation for the guidelines we have created to help support you on this new journey. Please visit this page often as it will be updated on an ongoing basis as more information becomes available. Please also feel free to email our office with any articles you come across you have found to be especially helpful in the development and delivery of virtual training sessions to be added to this page. Together, we can build a library of resources that can be shared and utilized by all Nevada-Registry approved trainers.