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The Nevada Registry and the Nevada Association for the Education of Young Children (NevAEYC) are pleased to announce round two of the Early Childhood Staff Stipend Incentive Program.

Financial stipends will be administered by NevAEYC to eligible Registry members with funding from the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS). This stipend is designed to lessen the financial impact early childhood educators endured during the COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond. Approved applicants will receive a stipend in the amount of $1,000 (issued directly to individuals; not the program they are employed with). The deadline to apply is April 30, 2023*. Stipends will be issued on a first come, first serve basis.

*The application period may close sooner if all available funds are awarded prior to this date.

Who is eligible to apply?

Anyone who is an active member of The Nevada Registry AND working in an eligible program at the time of application may apply for a stipend.

What types of programs are considered eligible programs?
  • Licensed Child Care Center
  • Licensed Family Child Care
  • Licensed Group Home
  • Licensed Head Start and Early Head Start
  • Head Start
  • School District-Based and Charter School Pre-K Programs
  • School-Age/Youth Development Program
  • Accommodation Facilities (i.e., Life Time Athletics, EOS Fitness, Las Vegas Athletic Club, etc.)
  • On-Site Child Care Programs (i.e., Renown Health Child Care Center, Truckee River Child Development Center, etc.)
  • Tribal Child Care Programs (i.e., Ely Shoshone Preschool, Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Head Start, etc.)
  • Military Child Care Programs (i.e., Nellis Air Force Base Child Development Center, etc.)

To Apply:

The link to the stipend application is located within the ‘Membership Account’ section of your Nevada Registry account (not on the main dashboard of your account). To access the application, log into your account and click on the ‘Membership Account’ button on your dashboard. If you are eligible, you will see a purple tab within the ‘My Membership Profile’ section titled, ‘Early Childhood Staff Stipend Incentive Program’. Access to the application is granted once you have verified and updated (if applicable) your personal and employment information.

Please note that if you have a personal or employment update or an initial application or renewal form in process with The Nevada Registry, you will not be able to access the stipend application until your account has been updated. Furthermore, if you are within 45 days of your Registry membership renewal, you will be required to complete your online renewal prior to being granted access to the stipend application.

Need to update your employment? Learn how here.

Questions? Please contact NevAEYC at or 775-327-0683.

More Information/Frequently Asked Questions