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Nevada Early Childhood Partners

Did you know Nevada received a $30,000,000 Federal Preschool Development Grant: Birth – 5 award this year? As with all federal awards, these dollars are annually appropriated by the U.S. Government and contingent upon approval. Nevada receives $10,000,000 per year through this three-year federal grant.

Our collective voices impact funding decisions made by our elected policymakers on behalf of our state. This is your opportunity to share a call to action that was originally sent out by BUILD, a nationwide early childhood organization.

PDG B-5 is a critical federal early learning program that has traditionally had widespread bipartisan support. In the House Labor/HHS FY 2024 appropriations bill, the PDG B-5 program is eliminated. Let your lawmakers know how much PDG B-5 funding has meant to Nevada BY JULY 31. You can use these  talking points to reach out to congressional staff, and See State-Specific Talking Points Here.”

In Nevada, PDG B-5 funds will be used to focus on three areas:

  1. Improving outcomes for young children and their families by including family voice in planning and implementation, and engaging families in leadership and decision making about issues that are important to them.
  2. Supporting the early childhood workforce and program quality through specific strategies for professional pathways, compensation, workforce conditions, support and data.
  3. Comprehensive state systems through collaboration and partnership with the Early Childhood Advisory Council, state agencies, local early learning and care investments, and early childhood organizations.

You can share your ideas, stay informed, review grant activities, and more through the PDG B-5 Online Platform at

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Please reach out to PDG B-5 Grant Manager, Rachel Stepina, for questions: