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As of July 1, 2024, all child care facilities in Washoe County are licensed by the State of Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Child Care Licensing Program (DWSS CCL). As a result, the information in this post may no longer be valid but is being preserved on the NEWS page for historical purposes. Please refer to the DWSS CCL website for the most current information.  

From Washoe County Child Care Licensing:

Washoe County Child Care Licensing knows that it has been an especially confusing period regarding COVID-19 isolation periods, especially given differing isolation guidance for many K-12 schools. Child Care Licensing has verified again with the Washoe County Health District that the most recent CDC COVID-19 isolation guidance following a known COVID-19 exposure does not apply to child care settings, and we must await additional guidance from the CDC specific to child care centers before updating COVID-19 isolation protocol. Therefore, the typical isolation period for an unvaccinated child or staff member in a child care center remains ten days following a known COVID-19 exposure.

Licensing recognizes this is causing a lot of confusion and anger for parents however, Washoe County Licensing and the Health District do not yet have the ability to update the isolation period for child care centers. Once they are given updated isolation protocol they will notify providers accordingly. As you all know, guidance often changes rapidly and without warning, so please continue to defer to the Washoe Health District following an exposure of COVID-19 for the most up to date and case-specific protocol.

It cannot be stated enough how much Child Care Licensing appreciates your ongoing patience and commitment to children throughout the pandemic. They recognize that pandemic fatigue is high and that providers often get the brunt of parents’ frustration. The Washoe County Child Care Licensing team continues to be available for clarification and support during this very challenging time.