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Your Vote Matters!

Make children’s issues central in the 2024 election.

This election, you have the power to stand up for Nevada’s youngest and most vulnerable. The Children’s Advocacy Alliance of Nevada, is committed to making children’s issues a central focus of the 2024 election. Our future leaders must know the issues we all care about are top of mind for voters. This includes:

·     Quality, affordable childcare

·     Universal pre-kindergarten

·     Expansion of child mental health services

·     Creating economic stability for families to reduce pathways to the child welfare system

Today, we celebrate National Voter Registration Day with the launch of the NVVotes4Kids voter education and GOTV (Get Out The Vote) initiative. The website provides all the resources you need to register to vote and learn about the key issues that affect children and families in Nevada.

Everyeone is encouraged to sign the digital pledge to vote. Studies show that you are more likely to complete an action if you make a public commitment to it. This pledge is a way for you and your friends and family to ensure that children’s issues remain at the forefront of this election.

Together, we can make a difference.

Take the pledge!