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From Child Care Licensing:

Providers are asked to wait 90 or more days before calling to check status.

Due to staffing shortages and increased volume, the Nevada Child Care Licensing (CCL) unit is experiencing a delay in reviewing criminal history background checks. Processing may take at least 90 days from the date results are received. You may continue to check the Nevada Automated Background Check System (NABS) for eligibility updates.

CCL staff thank you for your understanding and know that child care providers need a trained and qualified workforce in the classroom. CCL staff are working diligently to ensure the safety of Nevada’s youngest citizens. To help this process, CCL respectfully requests those with questions about the status of results to call only after 90 or more days have passed since the background check was submitted.

Note: Employees with a satisfactory fingerprint check who are awaiting complete background check results may work under the supervision of qualified employees in a classroom, can receive on-the-job training and may participate in and receive courses towards meeting the educational requirements of employees working in licensed child care facilities. If the employee’s background check has been initiated and proof of that initiation (receipt or copy of fingerprints to Nevada Department of Public Safety) is provided to the employer, then the employee can work in a classroom supervised by a fully qualified and background check caregiver and be counted in caregiver-to-child ratio. The employee can never be left alone with the children at any time while the background check results are pending.