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The Division of Public and Behavioral Health is holding a stakeholder feedback meeting on March 22, 2023, at 1:00 pm.

This meeting is to solicit feedback from community partners, stakeholders, businesses, and the public on Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) for which the Division or the State Board of Health currently provide oversight. We welcome attendance at this meeting to provide insight on regulations that 1) are considered outdated, result in unintended consequences, create conflicts, or impose an unnecessary burden on citizens, businesses or government entities, 2) create a regulatory system that is not concise, transparent, stable, balanced, predictable, and thoughtfully constructed, and/or 3) are unfocused and inefficient, contain regulations that are obsolete and include regulations that are unnecessarily onerous, thereby limiting the economic potential of the State.

From the feedback provided via the survey that was distributed and this stakeholder meeting, the Division of Public and Behavioral Health will put forth recommendations for NAC removal or changes to the Governor’s Office. As part of this process, there will be additional opportunities for feedback from the public, listed below:

  • Business Impact Survey (tentatively scheduled to be sent to businesses from March 22-March 29, 2023)
  • Public workshop (tentatively scheduled for April 21, 2023)
  • Public hearing with the State Board of Health (tentatively scheduled for the week of April 24, 2023)

Additional notices will be posted and distributed upon confirmation of these dates and times.

Stakeholder Feedback Meeting Notice 03.22.2023