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The State-Funded FREE Telehealth Benefits Program Ends on January 31, 2025

New self-pay insurance options will be available soon. If you have questions about your existing free benefits or the upcoming self-pay enrollment process, please contact Brandon DiCesare with Optima Benefits & Payroll at or at 866-839-0511.

Learn More

Follow these tips when uploading documents with your Nevada Registry application or renewal:

  1. Submit items all in the same orientation (i.e., all landscape/horizontal or all portrait/vertical). This will help us review the documents faster.
  2. Combine all the initial training together and the educational documentation together. This too, will expedite the review process.
  3. Upload all documents as one file. You can submit documents one at a time, but combining similar documents into one complete file will help to complete the review of your application/renewal more quickly.

Questions about uploading documents?
Please visit the Contact Us page of our website and select ‘Online Membership Application Process’ or ‘Membership Renewal’ as your reason for inquiry.